Rolled in Faith, Sprinkled in Love!

Simpler times. I find myself wishing for them.

As a young girl, I spent a lot of time in my Grandma Tegeler’s kitchen. She always had fresh baked goodies ready just in case someone stopped by to visit. Someone always did. Ladies from the church, the pastor, neighbors, family. Grandma was always ready to pour a cup of coffee and offer a slice of her fresh baked jelly roll. That was the neighborly thing to do.

I miss those days. Today’s rigid schedules of play dates and meetings seem to lack the spontaneity and authenticity of yesteryear’s drop in visits. I have fond memories of unplanned, last minute visits on many Saturday nights growing up. My parents had a circle of close friends–Shorty & Lucy, Georgia & Alvin–with children similar in age to me and my siblings. After a day of chores, with just a quick phone call, we were loaded in the car and headed over to one of their houses for an evening of fun. Dominoes for the adults, catching lightening bugs, playing in the creek, climbing trees, and hide and seek for the kids.

My Grandma and my parents made time for family and friends. They were always ready just in case someone called or dropped by to visit. For those who know me personally, you know I’m not ready.

To do lists overwhelm. Schedules overlap. Obligations siphon precious time out of my day. But even Jesus made time for rest commanding his apostles, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31. Jesus also taught usto love our neighbors as ourselves.” Matthew 19:19.

Those impromptu visits of my childhood were opportunities to rest from the chores of the day while loving our neighbors at the same time. From pre-teens then to adults now, our paths have taken us on many different journeys, but we pick right back up as if time stood still when our hurried paths cross. Exchanging hugs, bonds created more than forty years ago still remain. In those moments, love resurfaces.

I want to get ready, just in case. I yearn to rest in the company of a long-time friend. I long to live my life in a way that I’ll be ready for a spontaneous visit, a cup of coffee, and time together with Jesus. With the hurried pace of this world, undoubtedly I will fail, but when I take time for one friend, one family member, just one person, love wins.

Christ wins.

Craving those simpler times, I’ve been determined to find Grandma’s recipe. I found it, along with several others! Just a few weeks ago, I baked my first jelly roll in more than twenty-five years.  I’ll bake more.  Just like Grandma, I’m getting ready to serve a cup of coffee and a slice of jelly roll…rolled in faith and sprinkled with Christ’s love!

Together in Christ,

As a bonus, you can find Grandma Tegeler’s jelly roll recipe on my “Recipes…made with love” page. Enjoy!