Is It Well With Your Soul?

Disappointments. Disease. Death.

Sometimes these come at you in rapid fire and you feel cornered. Surrounded. When they do, I’ve been prone to shake my fist and give up. Frustrated and void of hope.

Then Christ washed me in His grace six years ago. As a newborn in my personal walk with Jesus, one of the first things I changed was my car radio station. I intentionally chose to fill  my mind exclusively with Christian music. I’ve always loved music and I’ll sing out loudly while I’m driving and drum along with the rhythm. I’ll beat my hubby to the punch here and confess. Yes, I blew the speakers in my car one time!

Earlier this year I was surrounded with ongoing sad news and tough decisions. I was standing fairly strong, but then one phone call pushed my heart over the edge. Overwhelmed with sadness, I nearly resorted to my old ways, but God’s perfect timing delivered a new song by MercyMe on my car radio:

They say it only takes a little faith
To move a mountain
Well good thing
A little faith is all I have, right now
But God, when You choose
To leave mountains unmovable
Oh give me the strength to be able to sing
It is well with my soul

I know You’re able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You’d just say the word
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone

“Even If”
© Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, MUSIC

At that moment, my faith was little. God delivered a much needed message. Words that played on repeat in my mind and challenged my perspective daily.

What will I do if God chooses to leave my mountains unmovable?

Even if God doesn’t answer my prayers as I desire, will I have the strength to sing, “It is well with my soul?”

Months later I continue to stop in my tracks with the first note of “Even If” on the radio. It’s my fight song. I sing every single word at the top of my lungs as I drive. I drum along in rhythmic crescendo as I declare “My Hope is You alone” and my heart melts in thanksgiving to God with the sweetest, heart-saving, hope-filling finale…


God’s been faithful, God’s been good to me. All my days. Even when I was blind to His goodness and blessings.

And that, my friends, I’ve learned is truly enough. So now, even if, I will cling to Him come what may.

Do you have mountains waiting to be moved? Sick and hurting loved ones, forgotten dreams? Lost hope?

When you get the call that threatens your breaking point, trust that God is faithful. Believe in His steadfast love. Claim His love for you, remembering He demonstrated His own love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, His only son, Jesus Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

Friends, our faith does not rest on God moving our mountains. Our faith rests on the hope of eternal life which God promised before the beginning of time. Titus 1:2

Jesus Christ. He is our hope. He is ALL we need. 

When our perspective focuses on things of this earth, we succumb to sadness and despair. We grieve as people with no hope. 1 Thessalonians 4:13

In a message delivered through song, God refocused my perspective from hopeless to hope-filled.

I pray God adjusts your perspective, too. I pray that God moves your mountains, but even if He doesn’t, I pray…


Hugs & blessings,

Friends–to experience the full impact and message of the song, here’s a link to MercyMe’s youtube Official Lyric Version: